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Version vom 10. August 2013, 16:03 Uhr von Wirbel (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Autor: Matthias Becker, Joachim Wilke

Das Fritz!Box Plugin informiert über eingehende Anrufe (via OSD). Auf Wunsch kann dabei eine laufende Wiedergabe pausiert oder VDR stummgeschaltet. Detaillierte Informationen zum Funktionsumfang sind auf der Plugin-Webseite [1] verfügbar.


Letztes Update 01/2013


Fritzbox Plugin Bild0
Fritzbox Plugin Bild1


Über das Hauptmenü können sowohl das Fritz!Box-Telefonbuch als auch drei Gesprächslisten (eingehend, verpasst, ausgehend) abgerufen werden.

Taste Funktion
Direktanruf einzelner Kontakte
> TB
Telefonbuch anzeigen / neu laden
Gesprächsliste eingehend
verpasste Anrufe
Gesprächsliste ausgehend


Konfiguration der Fritzbox

  • Integrierter Anrufmonitor der Fritz!Box muss eingeschaltet sein:

Aktivierung per Tastencode über Telefon #96*5* (jede Fritz!Box Fon ab Firmware xx.03.99, Ausgabe an TCP-Port 1012)

Einstellungen des Plugins

Die Einstellungen können über das OSD oder über die Datei setup.conf vorgenommen werden:

fritzbox.MuteOnCall = 0
fritzbox.Password =
fritzbox.Url =


Version Datum Beschreibung Link
stabile Version 1.2.0 28.05.2009
  • new setup option "React on calls" allow configuration if the plugin acts on incoming, outgoing or any calls
  • changed function of kRed in the menu
    • "Reload phonebooks" was moved to the setup menu
    • new function "Next phonebook" ("> PB") iterates through the displayable phonebooks (the last one shown is remembered beyond vdr restarts)
  • new setup option "Show detailed call information". If switched to yes, the plugin opens an own OSD screen for notifications instead of using Skins.Message. This way, more information can be displayed (still to be done).
  • shortened message displaying an incoming call from an unknown extension
  • the number of missed calls is now announced via the plugins' main menu entry. Enter the "missed calls" list to reset this counter.
  • main menu entry is shortened to "Fritz!Box"
  • modifications in the phone book menu
    • now grouping phone book entries by name
    • pressing OK now opens a detail menu. Within this detail menu calls can be triggered with kRed, as in all other detail menus
  • fixed missing SetHelp() in cMenuFonbuchDetail
  • added support for phone books without number-type (e.g., old Fritz!Boxes) in phone book detail screen
  • fixed storing the password, which got lost in some cases
  • changed default password to an empty one
  • fixed wrong announcement of missed calls before call list retrieval
  • adapting plugin to new Fritz!Box firmware versions:
    • auto detecting charset encoding when retrieving phonebook entries
    • modified interface language detection (currently using a trial-and-error approach, because old approach is no longer supported by newest firmware)
  • splitted plugin into plugin application and three static libraries. With this, it is possible to use these libraries in other projects not related to VDR.
    • libfritz++ (included all Fritz!Box specific functionality)
    • libtcpclient++ (providing tcp socket communication)
    • libpthread++ (providing pthread support, independant of VDRs implementation)
  • Improvements in libfritz++
    • Added resolving of SIP[0-9] to real provider names.
    • Fixed naming of local phonebook. The recommended name is now localphonebook.csv, the old name localfonbuch.csv is still accepted. The directory remains $vdrconfigdir/plugins/fritzbox/.
    • Updated OertlichesFonbook to new website layout
    • implemented reverse lookup function for +31 (Netherlands)
    • cOertlichesFonbuch no longer tries to resolve non german phone numbers
    • improved detection of unsuccessful logins to the Fritz!Box
    • made the plugin independent of Fritz!Box's webinterface language
    • if no password is set, the plugin no longer tries to login to the Fritz!Box
    • implemented support for a local phone book
      • The fonbook is a csv-file located at $vdrconfigdir/plugins/fritzbox/localfonbuch.csv using the same encoding as VDR
      • Each line of this file has the pattern <name>,<type>,<number>. For <type> specify 1 (home), 2 (mobile) or 3 (work).
  • all socket communication of the plugin can now be traced into /tmp/tcpclient.trace. If this file exists at VDR startup, tracing is enabled. If not, tracing is disabled. If you experience problems with vdr-fritzbox, this trace may be helpful in debugging the issue. However, please be aware that this trace may contain password and other sensitive information.
  • modified logging to syslog. All log entries related to this plugin are now prefixed with "vdr-fritzbox:".
  • removed memory leak in cMenuSetupFritzbox::Store[MSN|Fonbooks]
  • configuration changes of MSN filter, selected fonbooks, hostname and password are now considered immediately without a restart
  • fixed a possible crash when using the plugin with showNumber = pauseOnCall = muteOnCall = false.
  • added new setup options for country code and region code. If the plugin is unable to detect these automatically (e.g., with some older Fritz!Boxes) the values are taken from these setup options.
  • updated russian translations
  • updated italian translations
stabile Version 1.0.2 10.08.2008
  • normalizing outgoing numbers for fonbook lookups, etc. now includes * removing German call-by-call provider selection codes
  • fixed possible segfault when pressing OK in empty fonbuch or call list menu (reported and fix tested by Gandalf [29] & ronnykornexl [30])
  • fixed password field in plugin settings to accept empty password (reported by Gandalf [29])
  • no longer displaying AVM test-entries ("Max & Moritz") in call lists - changed name of "Das Örtliche"-Fonbuch to "". New internet ressources should follow this naming scheme. (based on a bug report of ronnykornexl [30])
  • fixed fonbuch by adding a user-agent to the http request, which is required by the webserver recently
  • made LKZ/OKZ parsing more robust against wrong password
  • fixed possible segfault on invalid data in fritzbox.Fonbooks setup parameter
Entwicklerversion: 1.1.4 31.12.2008
  • adapted to changes in libfritz++
  • configuration changes of MSN filter, selected fonbooks, hostname and password are now considered immediately without a restart
  • plugin classes no longer hold own references to fonbook, listener and callList. They now use the static getter methods.
  • fixed a possible crash when using the plugin with showNumber = pauseOnCall = muteOnCall = false.(Patch provided by Andreas [26])
  • using new library feature: resolving SIP provider names, instead of signalling SIP0, ...
  • uvm. siehe History
Entwicklerversion: 1.1.3 20.12.2008
  • added a missing const in cTcpClient::&operator<<
  • fixed wrong type in comparisons to size_t in cFritzListener, cFritzTools
  • fixed wrong type in dsyslog output in cNotifyOsd, cLocalFonbuch, cMenuSetupFritzboxFonbooks
  • fixed compiler warning wrt comparison in cNotifyOsd
  • updated italian translations (provided by Diego [24])
  • implemented reverse lookup function for +31 (Netherlands)
  • adapting plugin to new Fritz!Box firmware versions|}
  • uvm. siehe History
Entwicklerversion: 1.1.2 20.08.2006
  • changed name of "Das Örtliche"-Fonbuch to "". New internet ressources should follow this naming scheme.(based on a bug report of ronnykornexl [30])
  • fixed fonbuch by adding a user-agent to the http request, which is required by the webserver recently
  • fixed possible segfault when pressing OK in empty fonbuch menu(reported by ronnykornexl [30])
  • made LKZ/OKZ parsing more robust against wrong password
  • added support for phone books without number-type (e.g., old Fritz!Boxes) in phone book detail screen(reported by ronnykornexl [30])
  • fixed possible segfault on invalid data in fritzbox.Fonbooks setup parameter
  • fixed storing the password, which got lost in some cases
  • changed default password to an empty one
  • fixed wrong announcement of missed calls before call list retrieval
  • fixed typo in german translations(reported by ronnykornexl [30])



Aktuelle Versionen



  1. Homepage des Plugins
  2. Homepage der Fritz!Box
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